Aiming to encourage the internationalization, UFOP has been part of the following cooperation networks:
Brazilian Association for International Education (Associação Brasileira de Educação Internacional - FAUBAI)
FAUBAI – Brazilian Association for International Education was created in 1988 and it gathers managers and people responsible for international affairs from over 200 Brazilian higher education institutions.
The association works for the expansion of the internationalization of the Brazilian higher education institutions, promoting the Brazilian education system abroad and the professional training of its associates.
Learn more:
Text taken from FAUBAI official website.
International Cooperation Group of Brazilian Universities (Grupo de Cooperação Internacional de Universidades Brasileiras - GCUB)
The International Cooperation Group of Brazilian Universities (GCUB) is a non-profit civil society association of academic, scientific and cultural nature. It was founded on October 29, 2008, in Brasília – Federal District under the name Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities. This name was formally changed on October 30, 2020 at its Extraordinary Assembly. It is currently composed of 96 Brazilian universities and 6 foreign institutions. The GCUB mission is to promote academic, scientific and cultural relations among its member institutions and international partners, through the implementation of programs, projects and actions of international, bilateral and multilateral cooperation.
UFOP has been part of GCUB since its creation and has been participating in various programs that enable the incoming of international students, such as Bolsas Brasil PAEC OEA-GCUB Brazil Program, ProAfri (Training Program for Higher Education Teachers in African Countries), PROLAC (Higher Education Teacher Training Program for Latin America and the Caribbean), GCUB International Mobility Program – GCUB-Mob and GCUB-Palestine for Refugees Program.
GCUB's programs and projects are aimed at undergraduate and graduate students, as well as researchers and professors from all areas of knowledge. Through these programs, thousands of Brazilian and foreign students have the opportunity to further their studies and share values and visions with people from other cultures. This academic mobility also provides knowledge of different educational and research systems, and different academic training paths.
For more information about these programs, access the “Other Academic Opportunities” menu and also
Rede Uniminas
Rede Uniminas aims to promote the internationalization of Minas Gerais higher education and is composed of representatives from the international affairs bureaus of the participating institutions.
Rede Uniminas is formed by 15 Minas Gerais higher education institutions:
Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais (Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais - CEFET-MG)
Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais - PUC Minas)
State University of Minas Gerais (Universidade Estadual de Minas Gerais - UEMG)
State University of Montes Claros (Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros - UNIMONTES)
Federal University of Alfenas (Universidade Federal de Alfenas - UNIFAL-MG)
Federal University of Itajubá (Universidade Federal de Itajubá - UNIFEI)
Federal University of Juiz de Fora (Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora - UFJF)
Federal University of Lavras (Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA)
Federal University of Minas Gerais (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG)
Federal University of Ouro Preto (Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto - UFOP)
Federal University of São João Del-Rei (Universidade Federal de São João Del-Rei - UFSJ)
Federal University of Uberlândia (Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - UFU)
Federal University of Viçosa (Universidade Federal de Viçosa - UFV)
Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro (Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro - UFTM)
Federal University of Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri - UFVJM)