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UFOP professor and researcher make an academic visit to Rzeszow University of Technology (Poland)



From November 6th to 10th, 2023, Professor Katiane Nogueira from the Department of Biological Sciences (DECBI), and Leonardo Nogueira, researcher and technician from the Department of Geology (DEGEO) of UFOP, went on mobility to carry out academic and scientific activities in the Rzeszow University of Technology (RUT), Poland. 


Through the Erasmus+ Program, this was the second visit by the Professor and the researcher to RUT to establish research partnerships. So far, this collaboration has generated two important scientific publications with a high impact factor entitled "Metabolomic and elemental profiling of blood serum in bladder cancer" and "Metabolomic and elemental profiling of human tissue in kidney cancer." In addition, the team of researchers received an award in the Original Article category, with one of their articles being the second most read in the scientific journal Metabolomics.


This partnership's success was noted by RUT, which, through its International Affairs Office, published an article on its Facebook page highlighting the importance of this collaboration for the institutions. 


Researchers Katiane Nogueira and Leonardo Brandão thank the Erasmus+ Program, RUT, and UFOP, emphasizing that the Director of the International Relations Office - DRI, Anderson Gamarano, has offered all the support for this partnership to continue, strengthening UFOP internationalization process.