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UFOP professor participates in event at Indian Institute of Technology in Varanasi (India)



From October 26 to 28 last year, the UFOP Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (DEMET/EM) professor Dr. Paulo Santos Assis participated in an event to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Metallurgical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology in Varanasi, India. 


The professor was the only Brazilian representative at the event and was invited to present one of the plenary sessions, sharing the experience with three American and one Indian scientist.


On the occasion, Professor Paulo presented to the participants of the event a technology developed in UFOP regarding the 2050 agenda, with the targets of zero out greenhouse gas emission in the world by the steel industry. 


Furthermore, he took the opportunity to suggest to the Institute a memorandum of understanding between UFOP and Banaras Hindu University. The professor said that the information was accepted, and the director of the International Relations Office (DRI) of UFOP has already started implementing the procedures for realizing the partnership.


During the trip, the Brazilian scholar was awarded, distributed prizes to the other participants of the event and was able to learn a little bit more about the country's cultural and religious diversity.