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Cadastro de Pessoa Física (CPF)

CPF stands for Cadastro de Pessoa Física Cadastro de Pessoa Física, which is a Brazilian individual taxpayer registry identification – a registration in the Brazilian Treasury Department (Receita Federal).  A CPF number is a mandatory document for your enrollment at UFOP and to open a Brazilian bank.

You must obtain your CPF in your home country and send a copy to our international office ( Without this document, you cannot be enrolled at UFOP!

More information about how to obtain your CPF can be found on


Instructions to fill out the request form:

  1. Select your residence country and click in the button to open the form;


  1. Fill out the form: option Inscrição; full name (FIRST NAME + MIDDLE NAMES + LAST NAMES - no abbreviations); gender; birth date (day/month/year); mother's full name (FIRST NAME + MIDDLE NAMES + LAST NAMES - no abbreviations); address (logradouro = street, avenue, etc); city; nationality, phone number, email and the date you will leave your country (day/month/year).

You don't need to fill out the fields CPF (Exceto Inscrição) and Titulo Eleitoral

3. Click in ENVIAR (to send);

4. Print the form (option IMPRIMIR);

5. Present it at a Brazilian Consular Authority within 15 days. You must take along an official identification document that contains your parents' full names (birth certificate, for example)