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Other Academic Opportunities

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The International Cooperation Group of Brazilian Universities (GCUB) is a non-profit civil society association of academic, scientific and cultural nature. GCUB's programs and projects are aimed at undergraduate and graduate students, as well as researchers and professors from all areas of knowledge. Through these programs, thousands of Brazilian and foreign students have the opportunity to further their studies and share values ​​and visions with people from other cultures. This academic mobility also provides knowledge of different educational and research systems, and different academic training paths. Some of the main programs are: GCUB International Mobility Program – GCUB-Mob and GCUB-Palestine for Refugees Program.


The GCUB International Mobility Program – GCUB-Mob is promoted by GCUB and aims to contribute to the development of high academic level students from the five continents, as well as promoting university internationalization and strengthening international cooperation between Brazilian universities and institutions of other countries. This program is  intended  to  select  candidates  for  the  attribution  of scholarships,  accompanied  by  monthly  stipends,  offered  by  Brazilian  universities associated  with  GCUB,  within  the  framework  of  the  GCUB  International  Mobility Program -  GCUB-Mob.  These  scholarships  are  destined  for full time Master’s  and  Doctoral programs in  Brazil.


The GCUB-Palestine for Refugees Program is promoted by GCUB with the support of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Representative Office in Ramallah, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), and the Palestinian Studies Center. Recognizing education as a fundamental tool for social transformation, the GCUB-Palestine for Refugees Mobility Program aims to provide Palestinian students access to full undergraduate, master's, and doctoral programs at Brazilian universities affiliated with GCUB, enabling them to acquire knowledge and skills that contribute to building a brighter future.


More information can be found on the program’s website:




The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience, commonly known as IAESTE, is a program that gives students the chance to fully immerse in a new country and culture, expanding their horizons and providing both personal and professional development. IAESTE provides international professional opportunities for students in the technical fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Architecture). Participants complete internships at host institutions ranging from large multinational corporations to university research centers to startups. All IAESTE participants receive a stipend that covers at least the cost of living –housing, transportation and food – in their host city. Housing accommodations and other administrative services, such as assistance with the visa process, are provided by the local IAESTE organization in the respective host country. Additional in-country support is provided by a network of local student-volunteers, who organize cultural activities and assist with logistics.


For more information see: 



The Living Lab Biobased Brazil program emerged from a partnership between Dutch and Brazilian institutions. To promote the internationalization of higher education in both countries, the projects developed by the program are focused on the biological-based economy of the Netherlands and Brazil, covering the main themes: water resources technology, agri-food sector, green chemistry, and sustainable environment. The program includes universities, government entities from the Netherlands, universities from Minas Gerais, and national partners, including UFOP.


The program provides free assistance to organize your internship in the Netherlands or Brazil. Through vacancies available annually, selected candidates have the chance to carry out an internship abroad, participating in projects focused on the area of sustainability, which provides a challenge for all students who want an experience abroad. 


One of the actions carried out by the program is the Biobased Battle competition, an academic development model in which students from Brazilian and Dutch institutions come together to solve a real market demand. During four days, the students carry out activities related to the theme chosen for that edition and, in the end, present a proposal to the problem, which will be evaluated according to the following criteria: adequacy to the challenge, degree of innovation, market potential, environmental impact, feasibility, and presentation.


For more information, please visit: 


The Undergraduate Students-Agreement Program (PEC-G) is a partnership between federal, state, and private universities and the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Education, which selects foreign students to pursue a degree in Brazil. The universities offer higher education opportunities to citizens of developing countries with which Brazil has educational and cultural agreements.


Decree No. 7,948, of March 12, 2013, ensures the training and qualification of foreign students by offering free places in undergraduate courses at Brazilian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The program was officially created in 1965 in response to the increase in the number of foreign students in Brazil during the 1960s, the need to standardize the conditions of student exchange in the country, and the demand to ensure equal treatment for students by universities.


Currently, the PEC-G program is governed by the Department of Scientific and Technological Issues, representing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Secretariat of Higher Education (SESu), representing the Ministry of Education. Africa is the continent of origin for most students, with a special emphasis on Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, and Angola. In Latin America, the largest participation comes from Paraguay, Ecuador, and Peru.


To be selected, foreign students must meet certain criteria, such as being able to cover their expenses in Brazil, having a certificate of completion of high school or an equivalent course, and demonstrating proficiency in the Portuguese language. Preference is given to individuals aged between 18 and 23, who are selected for socioeconomic development programs agreed upon between Brazil and their countries of origin.

a Promisaes Grant


The Milton Santos Project for Access to Higher Education (Promisaes) aims to foster technical, scientific, and cultural cooperation between Brazil and countries with which it has agreements, especially in Africa, in the areas of education and culture. The program offers financial support to foreign students participating in PEC-G. To be eligible for the Promisaes, students must be enrolled in a federal higher education institution and demonstrate good academic performance, in accordance with the requirements of the university where they are studying. (


Merit Grant


The Merit Grant aims to encourage excellent student performance by offering financial support to foreign students enrolled in PEC-G who demonstrate exceptional academic achievements. Additional information about the selection process can be found in the convocations issued by the Guimarães Rosa Institute (IGR), published each semester by the General Secretariat for Foreign Affairs, Consular Affairs, Cooperation and Culture, and the Guimarães Rosa Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE).


Useful links:



The Student-Agreement Program (PEC) is designed for international students who wish to study in Brazil. The initiative offers opportunities for undergraduate courses (PEC-G) and for learning Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PEC-PLE).

Created in 1965, the PEC program is one of the oldest and most important instruments of foreign policy and support for the internationalization of Brazilian higher education institutions. In 2025, it will celebrate its 60th anniversary.


Through the PEC-PLE, international students will spend their first year in Brazil taking a free course in Portuguese language and Brazilian culture in order to obtain the Celpe-Bras certificate. Once they receive the certificate, students can then begin their undergraduate course through the PEC-G program.