Accommodation: In João Monlevade, republic-style housing (fraternities and sororities) is very common, in which several students live together and help each other adapt to the city and college. Every semester, the International Relations Office provides a catalog with some housing options.
Transportation: In addition to buses, there are private transport apps. Students who live at least 1 km away from the UFOP campus are eligible for free bus transportation to and from the university.*
*To use the free transportation, you must contact the city's bus company called Enscon.
Health Care: Polyclinic: Avenida Getúlio Vargas, 2640, Belmonte – (31) 35930-312
Hospital Margarida: Rua Doutor Geraldo Soares de Sá- Vila Tanque – (31) 3859-3144
Cultural Spaces: When visiting João Monlevade, you can explore the Solar de Monlevade Farm, the first residence of its founder, visit the Monlevade Museum of Iron and Steel, the Praça do Povo, the Casa de Cultura, and other tourist attractions in the city.