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Study Mobility

Study mobility


1st academic semester: From March to July 

2nd academic semester: From August to December 


More information:

- Undergraduate programs calendar: 

- Graduate programs’ calendar:

After selecting the students that will come to UFOP, the partner university needs to

send an e-mail to indicating their names (nomination),

contact emails and study programs.


In order to send the application, the nominated student must access our website and

fill out an online application form, available at:


The student is supposed to fill it out with their personal information, upload the

required documents and send it to us for evaluation. If everything is alright, the

Acceptance Letter will be issued and sent to the student and to the home university

with detailed information about the following steps and procedures.


We do not have a specific number of students from your institution that we can

receive each semester. You can nominate as many interested students as you wish.

Their applications will be analyzed according to our availability.


The majority of the classes are taught in Portuguese. Therefore, although we don’t require a Portuguese proficiency certificate, it is highly recommended that the candidate has an intermediate level of Portuguese.


Concerning the courses in English, the offer vary from semester to semester, so prior

verification is necessary. Please contact us:


Undergraduate Programs


UFOP's undergraduate programs curriculums can be found on


The description of program content

(syllabi for individual courses) can be found on:


UFOP uses a 10-scale grading system and the current passing mark is 6.0, combined with a minimum attendance of 75% of the academic activities.


Graduate Programs

UFOP's graduate programs curriculums can be found on

Students who intend to spend more than 90 days at UFOP must apply for a Temporary Student Visa IV (VITEM-IV), mandatory for foreigners pursuing undergraduate or graduate academic studies in Brazil. Your student visa must be requested at the closest Brazilian Consulate. A copy must be sent to ( as soon as possible.

For information about it, please access:


ATTENTION: citizens from countries which are part of the Mercado Común del Sur (Mercosul) or members from the Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP) may have more favorable visa conditions, due to the partnership Brazil have with those countries. It is the candidate’s responsibility to obtain information about it.


More information can be found on:


CPF stands for Cadastro de Pessoa Física Cadastro de Pessoa Física, which is a Brazilian individual taxpayer registry identification – a registration in the Brazilian Treasury Department (Receita Federal).  A CPF number is a mandatory document for your enrollment at UFOP and to open a Brazilian bank.

You must obtain your CPF in your home country and send a copy to our international office ( Without this document, you cannot be enrolled at UFOP!

More information about how to obtain your CPF can be found on


Instructions to fill out the request form:

  1. Select your residence country and click in the button to open the form;


  1. Fill out the form: option Inscrição; full name (FIRST NAME + MIDDLE NAMES + LAST NAMES - no abbreviations); gender; birth date (day/month/year); mother's full name (FIRST NAME + MIDDLE NAMES + LAST NAMES - no abbreviations); address (logradouro = street, avenue, etc); city; nationality, phone number, email and the date you will leave your country (day/month/year).

You don't need to fill out the fields CPF (Exceto Inscrição) and Titulo Eleitoral

3. Click in ENVIAR (to send);

4. Print the form (option IMPRIMIR);

5. Present it at a Brazilian Consular Authority within 15 days. You must take along an official identification document that contains your parents' full names (birth certificate, for example)